Launching Your Product: Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes!

I want to talk about some stupid stuff that I’ve done. I’m going to share three mistakes I made when I launched my very first online course, all the way back in 2010. So I’m going to break down the three books. Mistakes in doing so hopefully steer you to a little more clarity when you’re launching your first course or your next course. So, I don’t know, I don’t know where you are in your journey.

I don’t know if you were really at the beginning, you know, you might’ve been doing the online business thing. Part-time full-time for a while, and maybe you’re new to me and my method and the way I like to teach and maybe you’re lurking, and maybe.

You’re trying to figure out a way to make more revenue. You know, I’ve done launches that, uh, as I’ll share today made a couple hundred bucks. And I’ve done launches that have made a couple hundred thousand dollars.

I’ve done a lot of things better than recent years, but I had no clue, no clue what I was doing when I started. And that’s why I wanted to do this episode. So this’ll be really, really helpful for you. If you’re thinking. About launching an online course for the first or millionth time, and you want to do it better, this is what I’ve been doing for a decade.

And so, what I want to do is help you even further.

I want to give you a step-by-step checklist and a plan for building a course that can do six figures or more, which is not hard to do over time, but I want you to build a winner, something that’s a perennial favorite. That’s just going to continue to sell and put money in your pocket. So, I’ve put together what I call the six-figure online course checklist. And this checklist is a simple PDF you can download right now and read.

And I walked through four steps to building a course at the six or seven. For you. It’s so easy. It’s so true, full of good stuff. And what it does is simplify all the stuff you could possibly.

Learn about building online courses and just put it into a streamlined. Do this, do this, have you done this? Have you considered this checklist format? I want to give it to you absolutely free to download it, to download.

Excuse me, just go to six figures That’s the number six six-figure Download it, read it. And then when you’re ready to build your next course, reread it and you’re ready to go.

Genetics course reread it. It’ll just be a reference for you once you’ve launched a successful course and your courses will hit six figures over time. And this six figure online course checklist will help you do it. So again, it’s my gift to you for listening, for hanging out with me. And I think it’s going to help you out again.

It’s free at six figure courses. That’s the number six, six figure Let me give you some tips on how to launch more strategically. I want.

To give you three things. There’s a lot of. Things that go into launching. Well, I talk about all of this in my course, automatic income academy and at length. Okay.

But if you had to boil down into three bullets of what you need to do to launch way more strategically than gram of circa 2010, here’s the three things you need to do. One is you need pre-launch build up.

I had no buildup. All I did was secretly build this course. And then all of a sudden, one day I emailed my list.

A here’s a course it’s for sale. Okay. That’s fine. Technically, because now they know about it. But think about it.

If movie theaters and movie studios, this think about if you had none, no idea that the new Avengers movie was coming out or when it was coming out or that it was even being made. And all of a sudden it just showed. There’s a billboard. It shows up Avengers, end game is in theaters right now would be like, what did you hear that Avengers end game is out? Is it really like nobody would be there.

In the theater that first day or that first weekend, because they didn’t know about it.

They weren’t excited about it. So much of helping a movie like Avengers or star wars or any movie, any movie. So much of getting people to the box office is hype. What do they do?

They launch movie trailers. Well in advance sometimes a year in advance with a teaser trailer, right? To get people excited. Oh, it’s coming out December, right? Like there’s so much anticipation with trailers, with promotions on food products at the grocery store, all the actors and actresses are doing the late-night talk show circuits, right?

They’re being interviewed in magazines. It’s all pre-launch hype and buildup. And you need to do the same thing for your products. You need to start to tease out to your, listen to your audience that you’re working on this specific thing and it’s coming out soon. It’s going to be amazing.

And you start to tease out some of the content.

You start to tell people why they should be excited about this thing when it comes out and you should tease out some of the benefits that it’s going to offer them when they purchase it. So, in a way your kind of starting to drip out your sales copy. Weeks in advance. I think the longest.

I’ve done pre-launch buildup is a month it’s for a. Course.

Um, but I didn’t do any of that first time. So, hint that something is awesome and it’s coming, and you can get really specific and even tell them what it is. And when it’s coming, launch build up is huge.

Number two, when you launch don’t do it. I did in 2010 where I just sent one or two emails and I was like, here you. Go. You want a launch week? It can be four or five days.

It could be 7, 8, 9, 10 days. But typically, I like a five-day window. Five to seven days, but a window, like if you launched, opened on a Monday, um, and you’re launching all week long, you want five.

Emails, minimum one each day at the launch minimum. Uh, this is where a lot of people go wrong.

They, they don’t want to bug their list, which when they say that that bugs me, I’m like, why else have a list? If you’re not going to sell to them? That’s the whole point of. A list. You’re not bugging them.

You’re telling them about some amazing life changing thing. That’s going to make their life better. That’s not bugging them. If it bugs them. It’s your, it’s your duty to let everybody know that your things coming out, just like it’s the movie studios duty.

It’s like Marvel studios or Disney or. Paramount pictures, or whoever’s putting out a movie is their diligence and their duty to put out every piece of information they can to every audience they can, that their movie’s coming up. Otherwise, how can they expect it to make records at the box office or make their shareholders happy, or make enough money to pay off all the expenses of the movie.

They spend $200 million on a movie they needed to make at least $200 million back, plus all the marketing spin. So, it’s their job.

They’re in business to let everybody know it. Same thing with you. So when you launch five emails, minimum, you needed to. Talk to your list every single day during launch week. And then number three, um, for launching strategically, as you need some sort of scarcity element, I’ve talked about this before my YouTube channel.

Um, but whether you’re closing the course, so this is their only chance to join. It’s going to close on Friday or close on Monday, or whenever you close it, um, or the price is going to go up after this launch week. So, if you want it at this price, it’s going to double, or it’s going to go up by 50%, might as well get it now. Or there’s a bonus, an amazing irresistible bonus that you’re offering during launch week. That if you buy during launch week, you get this bonus.

If you wait until next week, you don’t get the bonus. So, you might as well buy. Now you need some element of scarcity or urgency, depending on how you use the word to convince them. If they’re on the fence that, oh, this looks awesome. Most people there’s going to come back and check it out later, which means they’re never going to buy it.

Even if they intend to, they’re going to get busy and. Distracted. So it’s your job to give them a reason to buy now. And I didn’t do that at all with my first course, I just sent out an email or two, no launch buildup. And it was like, it’s for sale.

You get it whenever you want. Consequently, didn’t sell very many products are copies of that product. It wasn’t until I started to add urgency, have more buildup when I would relaunch this course or re-promote this course that I started to get more sales on this little initial course. So launch strategically, don’t do what I did in 2010. I just slapped some videos together called did a product, launch it to my list of like 500 people.

And maybe it made a hundred bucks that week or 200 bucks. Okay. Pretty pathetic. But maybe you’ve been there. We all start somewhere.

It’s okay. I made some money and that was a win for me when I had no money.

And I was on food stamps. And what it did was it was proof of concept for me that, hey, I can make content for free build an email list and then film, of course, that goes more in depth and has more value and sell it to that list. And how can I do this better?

And that’s what I’ve been on a mission to do for the last decade is do that, but better and to more people. And now I do it in two different brands in two different niches with two different businesses. So the three mistakes I made was I didn’t research at all. I just built what I wanted to build. That’s classic entrepreneur mistake.

It can sometimes work out for you, but I’d rather validate that idea. Make sure that I’m correct in my thinking. So I did no research. I want you to do research and I would start with your free content.

Do the 20 find the 20% of your free content.

That’s just got 80% of the love and the reviews and the comments and the feedback and the shares. Then you’ll kind of know what kind of topics to build a course on. And the research deeper from there. Number two, I didn’t launch strategically. I just put out the videos, sent out a couple of emails, uh, and just put the sales page up.

And it was open forever. You got to do a lot more than you got to pre-launch buildup.

You got to get them hyped weeks before this thing launches. It leads at least two weeks before minimum. Uh, I need to have at least an email every day of the launch.

So, I’m talking with them every day and just touching base with them every day, pointing them to another benefit of the product, answering their questions about the product, getting them excited, because it’s a big deal. And then three have some element of scarcity in that launch. Some sense of urgency, the course closings, you gotta buy now or it’s you can’t buy, or the price is going up after this launch week or this bonus, this amazing bonuses going away. I’ve used all three successfully.

The one that does the most money typically is when you close the course.

Um, but all three will work. And the third mistake I made was I didn’t fall off my students. I just, Hey, glad I got my money and I’m glad they got the course. I’m going to move on to bigger and better things. And I missed a huge opportunity to improve my product and figure out what products they wanted in the future.

It took me a lot of guesswork. I just continued on this path of just building whatever I wanted. It took me a year and a half. I launched four courses in the first year and a half before I finally launched course five and six that were truly the, the winners and those courses have done over a million dollars.

Um, one of Them’s done over a million dollars by itself and you know, it just, I’m a slow learner.

So don’t make that mistake. I could have figured that out. If I had just done some follow-up research with my paid students as always, thanks for hanging out with me. It means a ton. Thanks for the support.

Thanks for telling me. Thanks for letting me know. It means a ton. I wish you the best of luck in your business this week on another episode coming free next week. So stay tuned for that as always best of luck as you serve, people love on them.
Do what’s best for them and Hey, it’s messy.

It’s an ongoing process, but that’s what I’m here to help you as your virtual business coach.

If you need anything, give me an email Graham and Graham until next time, my friend.

Bonus 4: Rank Any YouTube Video in 24 Hours
Bonus 5: 10 Websites To Earn $100 a Day

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