The power of the placebo effect

In 1996, 56 volunteers took part in a study to test a new painkiller called Triarylamine. On each subject, one index finger was covered in the new painkiller while the other remained untouched. Then, both were squeezed in painful clamps. The subjects reported that the treated finger hurt less than the untreated one. This shouldn’t be surprising, except Triarylamine wasn’t actually a painkiller, just a fake concoction with no pain-easing properties at all.

What made the students so sure this dummy drug had worked? The answer lies in the placebo effect, an unexplained phenomenon wherein drugs, treatments, and therapies that aren’t supposed to have an effect, and are often fake, miraculously make people feel better. Doctors have used the term placebo since the 1700s when they realized the power of fake drugs to improve people’s symptoms. These were administered when proper drugs weren’t available, or if someone imagined they were ill. In fact, the word placebo means “I shall please” in Latin, hinting at a history of placating troubled patients.

Placebos had to mimic the real treatments in order to be convincing, so they took the form of sugar pills, water-filled injections, and even sham surgeries. Soon, doctors realized that duping people in this way had another use: in clinical trials. By the 1950s, researchers were using placebos as a standard tool to test new treatments. To evaluate a new drug, for instance, half the patients in a trial might receive the real pill. The other half would get a placebo that looked the same.

Since patients wouldn’t know whether they’d received the real thing or a dud, the results wouldn’t be biased, researchers believed. Then, if the new drug showed a significant benefit compared to the placebo, it was proved effective. Nowadays, it’s less common to use placebos this way because of ethical concerns. If it’s possible to compare a new drug against an older version, or another existing drug, that’s preferable to simply giving someone no treatment at all, especially if they have a serious ailment. In these cases, placebos are often used as a control to fine-tune the trial so that the effects of the new versus the old or alternative drug can be precisely compared.

But of course, we know the placebos exert their own influence, too. Thanks to the placebo effect, patients have experienced relief from a range of ailments, including heart problems, asthma, and severe pain, even though all they’d received was a fake drug or sham surgery. We’re still trying to understand how. Some believe that instead of being real, the placebo effect is merely confused with other factors, like patients trying to please doctors by falsely reporting improvements. On the other hand, researchers think that if a person believes a fake treatment is real, their expectations of recovery actually do trigger physiological factors that improve their symptoms.

Placebos seem to be capable of causing measurable change in blood pressure, heart rate, and the release of pain-reducing chemicals, like endorphins. That explains why subjects in pain studies often say placebos ease their discomfort. Placebos may even reduce levels of stress hormones, like adrenaline, which can slow the harmful effects of an ailment.

So, shouldn’t we celebrate the placebo’s bizarre benefits? Not necessarily.

If somebody believes a fake treatment has cured them, they may miss out on drugs or therapies that are proven to work. Plus, the positive effects may fade over time and often do. Placebos also cloud clinical results, making scientists even more motivated to discover how they wield such power over us. Despite everything we know about the human body, there are still some strange and enduring mysteries, like the placebo effect. So what other undiscovered marvels might we contain?

It’s easy to investigate the world around us and forget that one of its most fascinating subjects lies right behind our eyes.



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How To Generate FREE Leads Using ChatGPT

Imagine waking up to a fresh batch of unlimited, highly qualified warm leads eager to buy your offer right now seems like a dream. Come true right. Well, what? If I told you, there’s actually a secret way to make this happen with gbt, because there is – and it’s insane listen to me in this video you’ll – discover a weird use of chat. Gbt that will unlock a flow of unlimited leads for your business without spending a single penny and for context. I’M Alex Burman and I ran a lead generation company that scaled to a million dollars a month in Revenue.

I published several books about lead generation, and I’ve LED Marketing in companies that were part of the Inc 5000 fastest growing companies in the world multiple times. So trust me when I tell you that you need to watch this video Until the End. This is a step-by-step tutorial to help you generate unlimited free leads using the power of AI. The smartest business owners worldwide are already leveraging this effective method to propel their businesses to millions in Revenue. So, this is one of your last chances to get on the train before it becomes saturated.

Now I know what you’re thinking, how exactly does this work? How can I Leverage GPT to automate my lead generation process? Well, take a pen and paper to take notes and study this video you’ll get the answer shortly, and the interesting thing is once you understand this process, you’ll be able to apply it and start growing your business immediately. First, we’re going to use Google and Yellow Pages to find potential leads. Let me explain: let’s say you have an agency that helps real estate companies and agents with lead generation, you’ll. First, open Google and type real estate plus into the search bar and hit enter when you scroll through the results.

You’ll see a bunch of real estate agents and their email addresses here. Considering there are dozens of pages per search result there are virtually unlimited leads. You can contact do the search on Google and Yellow Pages to maximize the number of leads you can find. So that’s Google and then I’ll also go to Yellow Pages and type real estate, Dearborn Michigan. Let’s do Nashville and we’ll see a bunch of phone numbers. We can contact here, but if you click in, you can actually see this email business, and this gives you the email address here for every single one of these.

Now all you got to do is scroll down to load a bunch of pages and now just copy paste. You know command a command C and then we’ll go on over to Google Docs and paste the information in here now this looks messy.

This looks like something you wouldn’t want to use, but don’t worry about that right now.

You can actually go through and continue to do this as well with as many as you want here and don’t worry if all this information seems messy, we’ll clean it up in the next steps. Keep watching step four repeat steps 1 to three as many times as you want keep going through the Google and Yellow Pages as many times as you want to find the contact details of more new potential leads repeat step two by copying all the search results from Each page repeat: step three by pasting: all the search results into your Google doc in The Next Step, we’ll see how to finally leverage Chad get in this process by the way, if you’re, an agency owner business owner or founder, who wants to build a legit business Where you can charge 10 to $ 30,000 per client, I have something for you in the description below you: can book a free, Consulting call with one of our coaches that has done $ 10 million in sales and ask them anything about your business.

We usually charge $ 500 for this consultant call, but for a limited time, it’s free for our YouTube audience check the first link in the description and book. Your free consultant call now step. Five is instruct chat, gbt to format the data with a prompt. Once you have all the information from the leads you wanted compiled into the Google, then all you got to do is open up, chat, GPT and tell chat GPT to organize and make the data a CSV file. Here is the exact prompt you can use. Please format.

This data into a CSV file ensures the columns are location, full name, email, address, company, name, website, link phone number, Instagram link and LinkedIn link, remove all duplicates from the CSV file. Don’t type enter yet for now. Just follow the next step. Six is paste. All the information from the Google dot into chat GPT now that you have the prompt typed into the message box of chat, GPT paste, all the copy information from the Google Doc into chat, get just below the prompt. You wrote in step one and then hit enter boom chat. GBTC will start analyzing all the data and creating your organized CSV file.

But now all you have to do is Step seven download the CSV file. So, it’s created here, you can hit download and then you can open this in Excel or sheets or even Google Sheets.

That’s what I use sheets being the Mac sheets, which is what opens on default. But you can see here: we’ve got full name, email address, company, name and website, link, of course, with all this data you’re going to want to check it manually before you send, for instance, Melissa Tucker has her email address, but her LinkedIn is her company name. So you want to delete LinkedIn, that’s not a company name and just check this out clean this data, and there you go now.

You have a list of as many leads as you want for your business. All without spending a single dollar sounds fantastic right. The best part is that now you can import these leads to software, such as instantly or smart lead to start your cold email campaigns. You could also import them into clay or Phantom Buster, even LM list. If that’s what you want to do to automate your DM Outreach, LinkedIn campaigns, you could import. These leads to cold DMS to automate your Instagram Outreach. You could also cold call.

These leads using a tool like or you could do custom or mass I’ll reach to all your leads in a million different ways. Opportunities are EMP anyway, as a bonus. I want to give you this simple but effective framework for contacting these leads, which will get your responses and book appointments, but first, if you’re, finding this helpful, then don’t forget to give it a like. It encourages us to keep making more videos. Thank you. So here are a few things to consider. When writing your Outreach message, the elements of a good cold contact are, it needs to be highly personalized, needs to be concise and it needs to sell a meeting or a free resource.

Not an offer needs to incentivize a response, and it needs to focus on the needs and desires of the prospect back to our example. At the beginning, if you run an agency that helps real estate agents and companies with lead generation, then a good cold email could be name. I noticed company name helps people in Florida sell or find find their dream homes. Over the last 5 years, we’ve helped 100 plus real estate firms with leag generation, the last real estate company. We helped increase the revenue from 15 million to 23 million in just 12 months.

Thanks to the leads we generated, our team recently put together a free, step-by-step diet, on how you can generate similar results for your company. Would you mind if I sent it over in the example above we personalize the email focused on our prospect’s desire. That is also aligned with our lead generation Services, established Authority and credibility by stating our years of experience and the results we’ve gotten for our clients and in incentivize your response to a free resource that is most valuable and marketing material.

To move the prospect from lead to client, this is what you want to do. Overall, when writing your cold emails, you can adapt this framework to cold, DMS or cold calls as well anyway. To recap: this tutorial on how to get unlimited free leads using chat GPT. One you’re going to use search engines to find the lead, then you’re, going to copy the search results, paste them into a Google doc. Repeat: steps 1 to three as many times as you want instruct chat get to format the data with a prompt, then paste.

All that information from the Google into chat, get and press enter then you’re going to download the CSV file, and that’s it there. You have a standard operating procedure sop for finding unlimited free leads for your business at the click of a finger. Now, in the next 3 seconds I’ll be recommending you another video to help, you grow your business that is even more valuable than this one. So go ahead and check it out now I’ll see you there.

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Comparing Data Center Cybersecurity vs. Data Center Management

Comparing data center cybersecurity versus data center management Data center cybersecurity, Cybersecurity companies, help safeguard sensitive data and critical infrastructure within Enterprise data, centers and provider. Facilities from cyber threats and attacks offer a suite of advanced security solutions tailored to the specific needs of data centers. This includes firewalls intrusion, detection and prevention systems and anti-virus software to fortify their network perimeter and protect against malicious intrusions.

They also provide encryption and access control mechanisms to ensure data confidentiality and restrict unauthorized access continuously monitor the data center environment for any signs of security. Vulnerabilities or unusual activity.

They employ threat, detection and security, information and event management systems to promptly identify and respond to potential threats, minimizing the risk of data breaches and downtime, develop, comprehensive cybersecurity policies and incident response plans.

They provide training and awareness programs to ensure that data center staff and users are well informed about security, best practices and can effectively respond to security incidents. Cybersecurity companies play a critical role in protecting data centers from a constantly evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Their services help ensure the integrity, availability and confidentiality of data and infrastructure, providing peace of mind to both enterprise data, centers and data center providers and maintaining the trust of their customers. Data center management data center management companies are instrumental in ensuring the smooth and efficient operation of enterprise data centers and data center provider facilities.

Their primary role is to oversee and optimize various aspects of data center operations.

This includes how to provide comprehensive monitoring and management services that utilize advanced tools and technologies to continuously track the performance of servers, network equipment and storage devices within the data center. This real time monitoring allows for the early detection of issues minimizing downtime and disruptions help with capacity planning and resource optimization. They analyze datacenter use trends to ensure that resources like server space, power and cooling are used efficiently.

This service helps organizations scale their infrastructure up or down, based on actual needs.

Reducing operational costs play a crucial role in security and compliance data center management companies, implement robust security measures and ensure compliance with industry regulations to protect sensitive data and maintain the trust of clients and stakeholders. Data center Management Companies ensure that data center facilities operate at peak performance, remain cost effective and meet security and compliance standards, allowing organizations to focus on their core business activities confidently.

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Launching Your Product: Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes!

I want to talk about some stupid stuff that I’ve done. I’m going to share three mistakes I made when I launched my very first online course, all the way back in 2010. So I’m going to break down the three books. Mistakes in doing so hopefully steer you to a little more clarity when you’re launching your first course or your next course. So, I don’t know, I don’t know where you are in your journey.

I don’t know if you were really at the beginning, you know, you might’ve been doing the online business thing. Part-time full-time for a while, and maybe you’re new to me and my method and the way I like to teach and maybe you’re lurking, and maybe.

You’re trying to figure out a way to make more revenue. You know, I’ve done launches that, uh, as I’ll share today made a couple hundred bucks. And I’ve done launches that have made a couple hundred thousand dollars.

I’ve done a lot of things better than recent years, but I had no clue, no clue what I was doing when I started. And that’s why I wanted to do this episode. So this’ll be really, really helpful for you. If you’re thinking. About launching an online course for the first or millionth time, and you want to do it better, this is what I’ve been doing for a decade.

And so, what I want to do is help you even further.

I want to give you a step-by-step checklist and a plan for building a course that can do six figures or more, which is not hard to do over time, but I want you to build a winner, something that’s a perennial favorite. That’s just going to continue to sell and put money in your pocket. So, I’ve put together what I call the six-figure online course checklist. And this checklist is a simple PDF you can download right now and read.

And I walked through four steps to building a course at the six or seven. For you. It’s so easy. It’s so true, full of good stuff. And what it does is simplify all the stuff you could possibly.

Learn about building online courses and just put it into a streamlined. Do this, do this, have you done this? Have you considered this checklist format? I want to give it to you absolutely free to download it, to download.

Excuse me, just go to six figures That’s the number six six-figure Download it, read it. And then when you’re ready to build your next course, reread it and you’re ready to go.

Genetics course reread it. It’ll just be a reference for you once you’ve launched a successful course and your courses will hit six figures over time. And this six figure online course checklist will help you do it. So again, it’s my gift to you for listening, for hanging out with me. And I think it’s going to help you out again.

It’s free at six figure courses. That’s the number six, six figure Let me give you some tips on how to launch more strategically. I want.

To give you three things. There’s a lot of. Things that go into launching. Well, I talk about all of this in my course, automatic income academy and at length. Okay.

But if you had to boil down into three bullets of what you need to do to launch way more strategically than gram of circa 2010, here’s the three things you need to do. One is you need pre-launch build up.

I had no buildup. All I did was secretly build this course. And then all of a sudden, one day I emailed my list.

A here’s a course it’s for sale. Okay. That’s fine. Technically, because now they know about it. But think about it.

If movie theaters and movie studios, this think about if you had none, no idea that the new Avengers movie was coming out or when it was coming out or that it was even being made. And all of a sudden it just showed. There’s a billboard. It shows up Avengers, end game is in theaters right now would be like, what did you hear that Avengers end game is out? Is it really like nobody would be there.

In the theater that first day or that first weekend, because they didn’t know about it.

They weren’t excited about it. So much of helping a movie like Avengers or star wars or any movie, any movie. So much of getting people to the box office is hype. What do they do?

They launch movie trailers. Well in advance sometimes a year in advance with a teaser trailer, right? To get people excited. Oh, it’s coming out December, right? Like there’s so much anticipation with trailers, with promotions on food products at the grocery store, all the actors and actresses are doing the late-night talk show circuits, right?

They’re being interviewed in magazines. It’s all pre-launch hype and buildup. And you need to do the same thing for your products. You need to start to tease out to your, listen to your audience that you’re working on this specific thing and it’s coming out soon. It’s going to be amazing.

And you start to tease out some of the content.

You start to tell people why they should be excited about this thing when it comes out and you should tease out some of the benefits that it’s going to offer them when they purchase it. So, in a way your kind of starting to drip out your sales copy. Weeks in advance. I think the longest.

I’ve done pre-launch buildup is a month it’s for a. Course.

Um, but I didn’t do any of that first time. So, hint that something is awesome and it’s coming, and you can get really specific and even tell them what it is. And when it’s coming, launch build up is huge.

Number two, when you launch don’t do it. I did in 2010 where I just sent one or two emails and I was like, here you. Go. You want a launch week? It can be four or five days.

It could be 7, 8, 9, 10 days. But typically, I like a five-day window. Five to seven days, but a window, like if you launched, opened on a Monday, um, and you’re launching all week long, you want five.

Emails, minimum one each day at the launch minimum. Uh, this is where a lot of people go wrong.

They, they don’t want to bug their list, which when they say that that bugs me, I’m like, why else have a list? If you’re not going to sell to them? That’s the whole point of. A list. You’re not bugging them.

You’re telling them about some amazing life changing thing. That’s going to make their life better. That’s not bugging them. If it bugs them. It’s your, it’s your duty to let everybody know that your things coming out, just like it’s the movie studios duty.

It’s like Marvel studios or Disney or. Paramount pictures, or whoever’s putting out a movie is their diligence and their duty to put out every piece of information they can to every audience they can, that their movie’s coming up. Otherwise, how can they expect it to make records at the box office or make their shareholders happy, or make enough money to pay off all the expenses of the movie.

They spend $200 million on a movie they needed to make at least $200 million back, plus all the marketing spin. So, it’s their job.

They’re in business to let everybody know it. Same thing with you. So when you launch five emails, minimum, you needed to. Talk to your list every single day during launch week. And then number three, um, for launching strategically, as you need some sort of scarcity element, I’ve talked about this before my YouTube channel.

Um, but whether you’re closing the course, so this is their only chance to join. It’s going to close on Friday or close on Monday, or whenever you close it, um, or the price is going to go up after this launch week. So, if you want it at this price, it’s going to double, or it’s going to go up by 50%, might as well get it now. Or there’s a bonus, an amazing irresistible bonus that you’re offering during launch week. That if you buy during launch week, you get this bonus.

If you wait until next week, you don’t get the bonus. So, you might as well buy. Now you need some element of scarcity or urgency, depending on how you use the word to convince them. If they’re on the fence that, oh, this looks awesome. Most people there’s going to come back and check it out later, which means they’re never going to buy it.

Even if they intend to, they’re going to get busy and. Distracted. So it’s your job to give them a reason to buy now. And I didn’t do that at all with my first course, I just sent out an email or two, no launch buildup. And it was like, it’s for sale.

You get it whenever you want. Consequently, didn’t sell very many products are copies of that product. It wasn’t until I started to add urgency, have more buildup when I would relaunch this course or re-promote this course that I started to get more sales on this little initial course. So launch strategically, don’t do what I did in 2010. I just slapped some videos together called did a product, launch it to my list of like 500 people.

And maybe it made a hundred bucks that week or 200 bucks. Okay. Pretty pathetic. But maybe you’ve been there. We all start somewhere.

It’s okay. I made some money and that was a win for me when I had no money.

And I was on food stamps. And what it did was it was proof of concept for me that, hey, I can make content for free build an email list and then film, of course, that goes more in depth and has more value and sell it to that list. And how can I do this better?

And that’s what I’ve been on a mission to do for the last decade is do that, but better and to more people. And now I do it in two different brands in two different niches with two different businesses. So the three mistakes I made was I didn’t research at all. I just built what I wanted to build. That’s classic entrepreneur mistake.

It can sometimes work out for you, but I’d rather validate that idea. Make sure that I’m correct in my thinking. So I did no research. I want you to do research and I would start with your free content.

Do the 20 find the 20% of your free content.

That’s just got 80% of the love and the reviews and the comments and the feedback and the shares. Then you’ll kind of know what kind of topics to build a course on. And the research deeper from there. Number two, I didn’t launch strategically. I just put out the videos, sent out a couple of emails, uh, and just put the sales page up.

And it was open forever. You got to do a lot more than you got to pre-launch buildup.

You got to get them hyped weeks before this thing launches. It leads at least two weeks before minimum. Uh, I need to have at least an email every day of the launch.

So, I’m talking with them every day and just touching base with them every day, pointing them to another benefit of the product, answering their questions about the product, getting them excited, because it’s a big deal. And then three have some element of scarcity in that launch. Some sense of urgency, the course closings, you gotta buy now or it’s you can’t buy, or the price is going up after this launch week or this bonus, this amazing bonuses going away. I’ve used all three successfully.

The one that does the most money typically is when you close the course.

Um, but all three will work. And the third mistake I made was I didn’t fall off my students. I just, Hey, glad I got my money and I’m glad they got the course. I’m going to move on to bigger and better things. And I missed a huge opportunity to improve my product and figure out what products they wanted in the future.

It took me a lot of guesswork. I just continued on this path of just building whatever I wanted. It took me a year and a half. I launched four courses in the first year and a half before I finally launched course five and six that were truly the, the winners and those courses have done over a million dollars.

Um, one of Them’s done over a million dollars by itself and you know, it just, I’m a slow learner.

So don’t make that mistake. I could have figured that out. If I had just done some follow-up research with my paid students as always, thanks for hanging out with me. It means a ton. Thanks for the support.

Thanks for telling me. Thanks for letting me know. It means a ton. I wish you the best of luck in your business this week on another episode coming free next week. So stay tuned for that as always best of luck as you serve, people love on them.
Do what’s best for them and Hey, it’s messy.

It’s an ongoing process, but that’s what I’m here to help you as your virtual business coach.

If you need anything, give me an email Graham and Graham until next time, my friend.

Bonus 4: Rank Any YouTube Video in 24 Hours
Bonus 5: 10 Websites To Earn $100 a Day

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7 Insider Secrets To B2B Sales Success

The world of selling to businesses is truly distinct from the world of selling to consumers. In the B2B space, or selling to businesses there are a number of specific nuances that help top performers stand out in a absolutely critical way, whereas those changes would have no effect in selling to consumers. I almost think of them as secrets, as that little secret sauce that leads those top sales performers to massive B2B sales success. And so in this video I’m going to show you the seven insider secrets to B2B sales success.

Check it out.

Number one, map out the entire sale. This is so important in the B2B selling space, because if you don’t know how your entire sales process is going to work, you’re going to be winging it, you’re going to be all over the place. And the data shows that today’s prospects, in the B2B space, are so much savvier than they were just a few years ago. These are people that have multiple degrees oftentimes, and they’re getting sold to all the time. So if you don’t have a very clearly mapped out sales process you’re going to be haphazard, you’re going to be bouncing around here, you’re going to be going there, and it’s going to ultimately lead to much lower results.

So, make sure that you really have your entire sales process, from how you’re engaging prospects, how you’re getting in front of them all the way through to how you’re closing and ultimately onboarding those prospects. Make sure that that whole process is clear so that way you’re not winging it. You’re not just bouncing around all over the place. Number two, attack your entry point. We want to make sure that we know exactly how we’re going to enter into a prospective company.

And this is very specific to the B2B space. Because of course when you’re selling to consumers there’s only one or two consumers in a family realistically. But when you’re talking about a large enterprise or even a small business, there are oftentimes a lot of different key actors that you can go into that company by starting that conversation with, or engaging in a conversation. And so we need to be very clear about who we’re going to be starting with. And that comes down to very clearly clarifying who is your ideal prospect?

What’s their title? What are the challenges that they face? What industries are they in? And attack that entry point.

Get very clear on who that person is and go all in and focus every single time at the prospect organization.

Make sure that you’re going in at the right entry point. Certainly not too low, and also not so high that they’re not even going to be relevant in the conversation. You winna make sure that you’re selling typically at that kind of highest relevant level, and that’s where you winna enter, and that’s where you want to attack.

Number three, provide real value. This is a huge distinction from today’s world of selling to even just a few years ago.

Nowadays prospects really expect salespeople in the B2B space to provide real value in the selling conversation. It’s not enough to just have a great product or service. And it’s not enough to just ask a couple of good questions. We need to be establishing authority and expertise. And the best way to particularly be providing value upfront is by providing prospects with insight.

You as a salesperson, with your experience, having seen a number of different prospective companies in this particular space, have really an amazing bird’s eye view of what’s going on in the lives of your prospects. And in the lives of the folks that you’re actually selling to. So, what we want to make sure that we do is we’re providing insight upfront and ultimately using that insight to engage people in conversations.

And that’s where we start to ask those questions to make sure that they’re ultimately a fit and that they’re really an organization where we can help solve the problems that they have. Number four, don’t try to close.

This may go counter to a lot of what we’ve heard over the years, and over our careers, but in the B2B space prospects are savvy. They’ve been sold to many, many times. And quite frankly they’ve probably been sold to a number of times just this past week. And so if we’re using some cheesy, transparent closing technique, they’re going to see that from a mile away.

And so, the high-pressure closing techniques simply don’t work anymore.

Particularly in the B2B space. And so, what we need to do is first establish our expertise, engage prospects in conversations and really understand what are those key challenges that they’re facing? And then simply present a solution to those challenges. And then be focused on the next steps afterwards. There’s no hardcore arm wrestling closing technique, but instead we’re just showing that we have the right solution and letting that conversation take care of itself.

Drop the hardcore close. Instead follow the right sales process to get you ultimately to that close. Number five, know their challenges. This is so important in the B2B space. Again, buyers expect that you understand them.

That you understand what’s going on. And so this is really a two part concept. One is that when we engage prospects in conversations we need to show that we have some expertise. That we have some insight into what’s going on in their world. But we also don’t want to over assume that we know everything that’s going on in their world.

That’s silly, of course you don’t know everything that’s going on in their world. You need to start to ask some questions to find out what are those core challenges? What’s most important to them? So, we start the conversation, we engage them in the conversation by sharing some of the challenges that we’re seeing happening right now in their industry. And then we’re basically saying, which of those issues ring true most to you?

And then they start to share those challenges and that’s where we start to dig more deeply.

To find out what’s really going on. That’s where we use our doctor’s-like approach to understand exactly what are the key issues that are affecting their business. And then ultimately, we’re going to present a solution geared directly to only those challenges.

Number six, know everyone involved.

The latest data shows that the typical B2B, particularly enterprise-level sale has about seven key decision-makers. And so we can’t just expect that even if you’re selling to the CEO of a company that that person is going to just be able to pull the trigger, make the decision, and move on. It’s not that simple anymore. Most even high-level executives are trying to get consensus around the decisions they make.

They’re trying to build that consensus so that way all the key people are onboard, so that way when they move forward, they know that things are actually going to happen.

And it’s not just leadership by directive, by force. That’s not how business works. So we need to understand every single person involved in that decision. And so we have to get really good at understanding what is that entire decision-making process? And who are all of those people and how is making a decision going to affect their jobs, their worlds.

Number seven, always have clear next steps. This is so important. That we are not walking away from any selling interaction without a very clear next step. And let me be clear on what a clear next step is not. It is not a clear next step to have it at the end of a sales meeting, for the prospect to say, “Hey, you know what, why don’t you follow up with me “in two weeks?” And then you say, “Okay, sure. “I’ll follow up with you Wednesday in two weeks. “How does that sound?” And they say, “Great.” That is not a clear next step.

A clear next step is that you get a scheduled call or a scheduled face-to-face meeting or a scheduled Zoom meeting on the books, in the calendar, a calendar invite goes out from you and they positively reply to that calendar invite. That is a clear next step.

At the end of every interaction with a prospect we want to make sure that we budget a little bit of time in that conversation to establishing clear next steps. So that way we never have that wishy-washy kind of well, I think they’re expecting me to call them or they’re going to call us, or they’re going to shoot us an email. None of that!

There’s always a very crystal-clear next step and it is scheduled in the calendar. So, there are the seven insider secrets to B2B sales success. And if you enjoyed this video then I have an awesome free training on the data-driven approach to help you crush your sales goals. Just click right here to get registered instantly. Seriously, just click right here.

This is an in-depth training that will help you close more deals at higher prices, all while generating more meetings.

Also, if you got some value, please like this video below on YouTube and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking my face, which should be right about here to get access to a new video, just like this one, each week.

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How to get rid of pimples overnight and acne

This week’s responding to your comments is all about pimples as we say in the UK acne, we’ve got a comment from JuneBeats12 saying, “Dear Abraham can you please make a video on how to get rid of pimples and blackheads I’ve had a breakout on my face, and I need your help”. Well, what are we waiting for hit that like button if you’re fired up for this and let’s go so let’s start off with the easy stuff that you can do straight away and then work our way up to the stuff that you’re probably never talked about so make sure that you watch to the very end!

So tip number one it’s all  about your diet this is a question my patients are forever asking me about whether diet can affect  acne and here’s the thing because there’s more and more evidence now suggesting that having a  diet that is very high in high glycemic foods such as sugary stuff refined carbohydrates like bread  pasta French fries stuff like that can potentially make acne worse so you should opt for a healthy  balanced diet to help with those pimples. Diving straight into tip number two you need  to change your pillowcase if you’re changing your pillowcase once a week you need to think of this,  this pillowcase is full of dead skin cells oil and bacteria all of which are going to make your  acne pimples worse so here’s what you’re going to do you’re gonna buy a few cheap pillowcases okay  and you’re going to rotate with a fresh one every single day or every two days at a minimum and then  at the end of the week you’re going to wash them all and you’re going to keep rotating like that  easy as that and this one can be a massive Game Changer when you have pimples or acne.

Now before  we move on to the next tip if you are enjoying this information right now show some love and  click that like button and leave a comment below too because I love reading your comments also if  you know someone who will find this information helpful and you’re thinking of them click that  share button and share it to them now because I’m sure they will appreciate that you’re thinking of  them.

And moving swiftly onto tip number three one of the most effective ways to manage your  pimples is by keeping your face clean but please remember you don’t want to over wash so twice a  day is completely fine use a gentle cleanser use warm water avoid using very hot water because  it’s going to dry out your skin and make things worse and once you’re done just Pat your skin dry  with a nice clean towel do not rub pat gently. 

And Diving straight into tip number four once you’re done washing your face any moisturizers any Cosmetics that you use you need to make sure that it always States either non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic okay this basically means it’s not going to block your pores and make your acne or pimples worse okay.

So now it’s  time for the heavy weight when it comes to pimple or acne treatment so tip number five is all about  retinoids and retinoids are a game changer when it comes to pimples or acne you might be thinking  to yourself hmm well why is that so here’s what they do they decrease pore obstruction they reduce  the inflammation of acne and pimples and this is all done by increasing skin cell turnover okay,  I personally use it I love it it’s changed my life it’s using it I’m forever recommending it  to my patients when I can prescribe it for them safely my patients love it too so it’s a win-win  but here’s the most important thing you need to be patient with topical acne or pimple treatments  okay because it can take two to four months for the full effect to show okay and this is  because it takes time for your skin cells to renew okay so don’t be disheartened when you  don’t see the effect straight away persevere keep going on have faith in the process because it will  work!

Now if you found this information helpful Today show some love and donate our team a cup of coffee simply presses the thanks button below and donate whatever you can because your support will help us create more medical videos just like this one sending or some vibe.

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Electronic Check Conversion

Electronic Check Conversion

What Kinds of Electronic Check Conversion Exist?

There are two major types of electronic check conversion – electronic check conversion and electronic check conversion with check guarantee. Before jumping into the key difference though, it’s helpful to spend some time explaining electronic check conversion in general.

Electronic Check Conversion Explained Using Credit Cards

The best way to explain electronic check conversion (and even electronic check conversion with check guarantee) is to point to credit cards. Years ago, instead of swiping credit cards into an electronic reader, merchants had to physically place them into a metal contraption, along with a two-piece carbon form. A heavy roller created an imprint of the credit card.

After signing the form, one copy stayed with the store and the other went to the purchaser.

But in the last twenty years shoppers and stores forego using extra paper since everything is stored electronically thanks to the electronic reader. With electronic check conversion an amount is entered, and the check is scanned, much like credit cards today. When the transaction is complete the check is given back to the customer since everything is stored electronically. As with current credit card transactions, the business no longer needs to have an ‘extra paper trail’.

Electronic Check Conversion Benefits

Electronic check conversion electronically records the transaction thanks to the check reader attached to the credit card terminal. Also, like credit cards electronic check conversion or electronic check conversion with check guarantee, will decline a check if there is a problem with the account.

This helps reduce fraud. Any check a merchant gets is electronically verified against a database of closed accounts or accounts with risky histories. Although the businesses cannot see specifically what the problem might be, it will redly flag any negative marks in the last 90 days and declines the check. This could be anything from a closed account to bouncing checks.

If the check passes the negative database, it is then converted to an electronic debit and the funds are deposited into the merchant’s bank account. This happens if the check writer has sufficient funds in his checking account at the time the check is ‘written’.

Electronic check conversion, however, doesn’t automatically cover a check in the event that something is wrong with the account in the here and now. So that’s where electronic check conversion with check guarantee comes into play.

Electronic Check Conversion with Check Guarantee

Electronic check conversion with check guarantee offers more protection to merchants.

Businesses that have electronic check conversion with check guarantee don’t have to worry because they still will get paid. Many companies offer both forms – electronic check conversion and electronic check conversion with check guarantee. However, they usually recommend electronic check conversion with check guarantee because this service offers more protection to merchants.

As with electronic check conversion, the check is approved at the time of the transaction.

But more importantly, the store is guaranteed funding within 48 hours, even if the check is returned for non-sufficient funds. The same cannot be said for basic electronic check conversion.

Is Electronic Check Conversion with Check Guarantee Right for You?

Every business can benefit from electronic check conversion with check guarantee. The cost of electronic check conversion with guarantee is very similar to the cost of accepting credit cards. However, the discount rate for this feature usually costs less than the discount rate for credit card acceptance.

For a company to decide if electronic check conversion with check guarantee is right for them, they should consider how often they accept checks that become NSF, or become bad for other reasons, such as closed accounts, etc. Not only will electronically check conversion with check guarantee saves businesses financial loss because of bad transactions, but it also provides them peace of mind that they will receive payment for products or services sold.

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Will Ads on Your Website Work or Not?

Will Ads on Your Website Work or Not?

There are too many things you could add your site whenever you want to improve your site’s standing on the internet. Most of the time, you just need to be wise in choosing the best method in gaining visitors or potential customers for your site. You should know that as much as possible, you have the best choice for if you would have a mistake at the start of your decision-making, everything would soon fail. You should not take for granted methods available for you. You should know that they are not only for trying; they would only serve as choices. Although trying would also work, but have you thought of how much time you would spend?

Remember, on the internet, more and more competitors are coming out. No matter you do, there would again be a new site that would compete with you of the same niche. If you want to improve your site, there are lots of things you could add your site, one of which is the ads. Ads are particularly popular today. Do you know why? It may be small in size, or it may come in text form that you may ignore or click, but it could give you more than what you expect.

First, ads could give you more traffic. If your site would have ads, it is just sure that most people would regard your site to be reputable and reliable. This is particularly because ads network would actually let your site undergo screening and tests before it could be provided with ads. The considerations on the screening would actually about the duration of the site’s presence on the internet as well as the traffic it already has. Second, ads could help by giving you more money. As you gain more potential customers, you would also earn while your visitors click the ads provided by the ads network you are working with.

See, it’s as if you are gaining double than before without putting much effort regarding the ads.

But of course, if you are not satisfied with the above answers and you are still wondering if ads would work on your website or not, then you could consider the following:

1. Ads Networks target the ads that would work on your website. This just means that the ads to be placed on your site would certainly be matched to your site’s contextual image, theme, as well as overall link structure. You must remember that ad networks today would not let any ads in your site be irrelevant to your own site’s betterment. One of the best ad networks is the Google AdSense. It would magically provide you the appropriate ads on each page depending on each page’s topic.

2. Ads would give you focused targeting. This would enable you to target the market you want to have on your site. If your target would be parents, it is just sure that the ads would provide you better ways of letting parents stay on your site. This is because the ads to be included would certainly be parent beneficial.

3. Ads are searching for engine friendly. Ads would certainly work on your website since it would even make your ranking in the search engines even higher. This is particularly because ads are most often embedded in the webpage’s rightmost part and most search engines would actually track sites with ads first.

These statements just show how relevant ads for your site. These just prove that ads would indeed work on your website. These ads are not just contextual ads for getting more traffic, it has more to offer that you would certainly favor for.

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Wealth Management And Wealth Attraction

Wealth Management and Wealth Attraction

When talking about possession, a person unconsciously refers to wealth. But depending upon its use, wealth can be defined in different ways. Basically, it can be classified into financial and non-financial.

Financial Wealth

In the economic world, wealth is defined owning items which have economic values. Example of having financial wealth is the accumulation of things like real estate, money and jewelries. There are reasons why people try to have financial wealth. The most common reason is security.

People with financial wealth also believe that having them brings power, respect and recognition. Depending on where you live, the amount of financial wealth you have accumulated will be relative. Wealthy individuals living in third world countries would be considered average in countries like the United Kingdom and United States.

Non-financial Wealth

While other people are occupied with the accumulation of material wealth, other people believe that true wealth is not something that has economic value. Faith, love and peace of mind are just some of the examples of non-financial wealth that some people strive hard to have in their life. The reasoning behind is simple. Even with all the material wealth in the world, a person would never feel truly complete or secured without non-financial wealth.

In recent years, society has finally looked at non-financial wealth as equally important as financial wealth. Ironically, some people need to spend money just to obtain non-financial wealth. They enroll in yoga or meditation classes to have peace of mind, donate huge amounts of money to participate in religious activities and even buy their loved one’s expensive gifts to show their love and appreciation.

It is therefore obvious that people have integrated these two types of wealth to define the true meaning of the word. To achieve or create financial and non-financial wealth, here are some of the most common practices.

To achieve financial wealth, you can harvest natural resources and/or develop or change a material thing thru skills and knowledge application. Another way to create wealth is by improving methods in production, effectively creating wealth faster. You can decide to set a limit to your accumulation of financial wealth depending on your need for security. On the other hand, non-financial wealth can be achieved or created by analyzing your needs and priorities.

You can only achieve peace of mind if you know what you want in life. Since non-financial wealth is not quantifiable, it is difficult to realize whether or not you have enough of it in your life.

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Being Whole

Being Whole

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Sports Articles

An article is a stand-alone section of a larger written work. These nonfictional prose compositions appear in magazines, newspapers, academic journals, the internet, or any other type of publication.

The point of a sports article is usually to provide information concerning a sports event, service or product. Sports articles are written by sports publishers. Women are invisible: Men are the focus of 86 per cent of all sports coverage and only one in 20 sports articles is written by a female journalist. Sports Articles are usually listed in article directories or in sports news websites. If you are a web publisher or just do research on sports go to these sites first.

Sports Directory

Sports Directories, are a great source of information that, list all kind of sports blogs, sports articles, sports forums as well as other sports directories. If you have a sports website or article that you want to submit on the internet to get listed into a sports directory, then find a recreation & sports directory where you will get hot sports link backs.

You can also learn more on a sports directory and read more sports articles by browsing all the already listed pages. Many sports sites web directories are intended to be the premier sports directory on the internet with sports links and listing of every sport out there but not all sports directories are good quality directories. You will need to find an online sports directory featuring sports articles on a wide range of topics including swimming, soccer, rugby and more.

The idea of a Sports Directory is great because a sports directory is actually a Website with Sports Articles and some other information about apparel: Baseball Caps, Jerseys and Merchandise, footwear, sports news and sports events. Rating of web sites for the Sports sub-category usually provides higher quality articles to be listed top in the sports article directory. Instead of going to a sports bookstore just find a good sports directory that is strong, hand edited and seo friendly.


Are you looking for sports articles? Then a global sports zone directory of free articles is the place to get them. The sport specific articles are grouped under main categories and headings. You can subscribe to receive articles emailed straight to your email account.

Getting sports information resource articles and links by mail can help you a lot with new ideas if you are an article writer or with content if you need sports articles or high-quality sports content. Each category usually contains articles that have been submitted by a sports publisher and have been reviewed and approved by an editor of that particular sports article directory that lists it. You can also take this opportunity and submit your article at the article directory you are viewing so that once approved it will beneficiate you.

Articles in Sports are articles written by the staff and members of some sort of sports organizations such as that lists sports news. Most popular articles are usually listed on a separate page so this will make them easier to be read. Local News Articles are also a good way to get sports content for your website or to research some other sports event trough other events that eventually made the first one possible.

However, if you want only sports trivia knowledge, I guess sports directories won’t be enough, you will need to read sports articles from a dedicated sports article directory if you want to impress your friends with facts and stats from informative sports articles on your favorite sports, teams, and players. Such directories currently have over 25000 articles on a variety of sports subjects. So this is a great opportunity to take a look at some of the uses of the articles such a directory provides that are sports related. If you are the article writer then keep this in mind : Don’t write articles to show off. This way you have a greater chance that your sports article will be reviewed, accepted and maybe even be picked up by other sports articles directories that are out there.

Article Directory

Finding the perfect free Article Directory that will be your one-stop source for free sports articles is not an easy task. An article directory needs to have quality sports articles that suit your needs . On the other hand if you are the article publisher that seeks the perfect article directory so that you can submit your sports articles to , then you need to make sure that the article directory has its pages picked up by the search engines and that the directory is of some importance (has some good traffic to it). Making sure of these will offer you a traffic boost with targeted visitors as well as high quality backlinks. Now all you need to do is to find a large article directory service where from now on you will get your sports articles or submit them which ever is the case for you. An article directory is an ultimate source for you. You can search the article directory for free articles that talk about the desired sports topic you are interested in.

This is a great way to get free website content by checking with an article directory and republishing some articles on your website. As a publisher you will have to submit your article to that directory, or you can even submit your article to ezine lists. Ezine lists will offer your sports article as an Ezine Articles. The article source together with the ezine article will be sent to thousands of mail subscribers that opted to receive sports articles by mail. Submitting your article to such lists is a good idea. Get an article submit software to do that for you or opt for a simple manual article submission to one or more article directories. Get more sports articles for FREE by joining or subscribing to yahoo sports groups. Submitting articles to thousand targeted users has never been easier.


Want to research a sports event, sports news or just want to get yourself heard in the sports world by doing a publication? Whatever is the case you need to consider sports articles directories as a number one source for information, research and sports publishing.

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