How to get rid of pimples overnight and acne

This week’s responding to your comments is all about pimples as we say in the UK acne, we’ve got a comment from JuneBeats12 saying, “Dear Abraham can you please make a video on how to get rid of pimples and blackheads I’ve had a breakout on my face, and I need your help”. Well, what are we waiting for hit that like button if you’re fired up for this and let’s go so let’s start off with the easy stuff that you can do straight away and then work our way up to the stuff that you’re probably never talked about so make sure that you watch to the very end!

So tip number one it’s all  about your diet this is a question my patients are forever asking me about whether diet can affect  acne and here’s the thing because there’s more and more evidence now suggesting that having a  diet that is very high in high glycemic foods such as sugary stuff refined carbohydrates like bread  pasta French fries stuff like that can potentially make acne worse so you should opt for a healthy  balanced diet to help with those pimples. Diving straight into tip number two you need  to change your pillowcase if you’re changing your pillowcase once a week you need to think of this,  this pillowcase is full of dead skin cells oil and bacteria all of which are going to make your  acne pimples worse so here’s what you’re going to do you’re gonna buy a few cheap pillowcases okay  and you’re going to rotate with a fresh one every single day or every two days at a minimum and then  at the end of the week you’re going to wash them all and you’re going to keep rotating like that  easy as that and this one can be a massive Game Changer when you have pimples or acne.

Now before  we move on to the next tip if you are enjoying this information right now show some love and  click that like button and leave a comment below too because I love reading your comments also if  you know someone who will find this information helpful and you’re thinking of them click that  share button and share it to them now because I’m sure they will appreciate that you’re thinking of  them.

And moving swiftly onto tip number three one of the most effective ways to manage your  pimples is by keeping your face clean but please remember you don’t want to over wash so twice a  day is completely fine use a gentle cleanser use warm water avoid using very hot water because  it’s going to dry out your skin and make things worse and once you’re done just Pat your skin dry  with a nice clean towel do not rub pat gently. 

And Diving straight into tip number four once you’re done washing your face any moisturizers any Cosmetics that you use you need to make sure that it always States either non-comedogenic or non-acnegenic okay this basically means it’s not going to block your pores and make your acne or pimples worse okay.

So now it’s  time for the heavy weight when it comes to pimple or acne treatment so tip number five is all about  retinoids and retinoids are a game changer when it comes to pimples or acne you might be thinking  to yourself hmm well why is that so here’s what they do they decrease pore obstruction they reduce  the inflammation of acne and pimples and this is all done by increasing skin cell turnover okay,  I personally use it I love it it’s changed my life it’s using it I’m forever recommending it  to my patients when I can prescribe it for them safely my patients love it too so it’s a win-win  but here’s the most important thing you need to be patient with topical acne or pimple treatments  okay because it can take two to four months for the full effect to show okay and this is  because it takes time for your skin cells to renew okay so don’t be disheartened when you  don’t see the effect straight away persevere keep going on have faith in the process because it will  work!

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